Thora (Thora Norse)

Thora (Thora Norse)

  • OFA EYE25
  • Owner: Viking Companions, LLC

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Thora Genetic Testing






Meet Thora, a spirited Norwegian Elkhound with a heart full of joy and a nose for adventure! Thora is the epitome of playful; her days are filled with boundless energy and a love for fun that is simply infectious. Whether she’s racing through the yard, engaging in a game of fetch, or showing off her impressive repertoire of tricks, Thora’s zest for life is unmistakable.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there—Thora is also a treat connoisseur. Her eyes light up at the mere rustle of a treat bag, and she’ll happily perform any number of tricks for a tasty reward. From high-fives to doing all the tricks on her own lol, there's nothing she won't try for a delicious snack.

When playtime winds down, Thora’s softer side shines through. She transforms into the ultimate cuddle companion, snuggling up close and offering warmth and comfort. Her affectionate nature makes her the perfect friend to relax with at the end of a busy day.

Thora’s playful spirit, love for treats and tricks, and her cuddly demeanor make her a beloved member of the family and a joy to be around. She is a wonderful mother to her pups 🐶,